Invest an hour of your time--If you are ready to quit but have been reluctant to DO IT, this webinar may help you take action.
If you've been struggling for years to stop smoking without much success, or you are worried about having urges or cravings during the process, I am hosting this one-hour event to show you how it can be easy and quick to move on from both the habit of smoking AND the cravings that travel with it.
The timing doesn't fit your schedule -- no problem. If you register you will have access to the recording to view at your convenience. This recording will be available for one full week following the webinar.
During this event I will discuss the major reasons my clients said they resisted trying to quit, and what finally motivated them to take action.
We will interact together to discuss YOUR concerns, the benefits of quitting, the stop smoking process, and why hypnosis has been shown to be so effective.
Register now for this webinar. It will be informative and fun as I help prepare you to become smoke free!
If you have already made the decision to stop smoking, click on the link below for more in-depth information and to register for the 5 Day Say Good-Bye to Smoking video series. Once you register for this event you will receive my smoking PDF files with tips to eliminate or greatly reduce the urge to smoke and shorten the time it takes to rid yourself of the toxins in cigarettes.
Click the link below for more details.
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